Tiltbrush Karaoke

Draw, paint or sculpt to music in VR

A first in the world of VR entertainment! Its Karaoke – but with a creative twist.

Instead of singing a song you’ll draw, sculpt or paint – in VR – along with your chosen song. 

Free Tiltbrush lesson included

If you think you can’t draw – don’t worry. The entry cost includes a free lesson with Tiltbrush. If you’ve never tried VR drawing. 

This will get you up to speed. Tiltbrush is easy to use, even for those who think they can’t draw.

It’s amazing what you can create, just by waving your hands around in the air in time with music.

You can find out more about demo artist, Angie Taylor here.




19.00 - Beer, coffee, cocktails

Buy yourself a beer, coffee or a cocktail at Presuming Ed’s. Then make your way upstairs to GOVR cafe before 7.30pm

19.30 - Tiltbrush Demo

To kick off there will be a live demo of Tiltbrush by VR artist, Angie Taylor. 

20.00 - Karaoke & Lessons

Put your name down on the list and choose your favourite tune to draw, sculpt or paint to. We’ll shout when it’s your time to get your VR on!

21.30 - Tiltbrush Demo

There will be a second Tiltbrush demo, showing you some new techniques to use in the second half.

22.00 - 23.00 - Karaoke

The music will be turned up and we’ll deejay for you as draw your dreams.

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