Motion graphics course | Nico Jones

Motion Graphics Artist
Big Button TV

“My professional life as a Motion Graphics Artist can be divided neatly into two parts – before and after Angie Taylor. Within one training session she had solved a number of issues that had troubled me for over a year, shone a clear light on some bad habits, and opened doors to countless techniques I hadn’t even considered. Three years on my output is virtually unrecognizable from my early work; I’d hate to see what I’d be producing had I not had the good fortune to be able to learn from Angie’s near-outrageous levels of technical and creative expertise. In addition, her post-training support has helped me out of many a tight spot.

Motion Graphics course | Big Button TV work example

I think having a good ‘mentor’ is something that is under-appreciated in today’s age of impersonal video tutorials, useful though they are. Interacting with someone who can not only answer your questions but inspire you, will allow anyone to improve faster than they may have thought possible. I believe a session, or simply a conversation with Angie Taylor will certainly be enough to convince you of this.”

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